Well after playing Syndey shark, and then coming to this, it's obviously quite far behind. The music isn't near as catchy, and most of the sound effects are a bit cheesy. The gameplay seems different, but it might just be me. Seems way more difficult to get out of the water in this one. The crush 95 yachts medal is either almost impossible, or broken, I don't know which, and I'm not going to try again to get it because there's no counter, and I've crushed basically every ship I can physically even crush like four times now, so it would just be a waste of my life to even try anymore.
The planes in this game aren't near as cool as the ones in the other game either. I mean, the game engine is alright I guess as a base, but overall I think the other game is far far better than this. Oh, and not to mention you can score WAY more points in the other game, and actually detonate a nuclear weapon. Just my 2 cents, anybody disappointed with this game, I have two words for you: Sydney Shark.