Too psychedelic to do any research
Now, for the sake of this review, I'm going to assume by 'psychedelic world' you're addressing LSD. Obviously you don't go real into depth about a single drug and so besides the psychedelic reference I have no way of knowing what drug(s) you're even addressing.
A quick Google search that took all of about 5 seconds yields information on LSD related statistics. The first statistic I could find shows that .01% of the American population uses LSD. LSD-related deaths are even harder to find. I could only find 5 and it was unclear whether this was suicide or accidental. So the first problem with this announcement, is that it doesn't need to be announced. That's like making a public service announcement against pouring gasoline in your asshole. I bet less than .01% of the population does that too.
The second problem is that you weren't prepared in the slightest. "Drugs are bad". "People....have died....doing drugs." Drugs? So, any drug? Is the announcement against any drug or just psychedelic drugs? If you're going to make a public service announcement against drugs of all things, you HAVE to have statistics and facts or it just sounds incredibly lame and cliche.
A really well presented PSA against drugs would have clearly listed the drugs that it was referencing, and been backed up by statistics.
Now, on the positive side, the effect you generated is pretty cool and I actually did laugh at this - but only because of how terrible it was. I guess the positive message about learning to animate was nice, but the whole thing was just terribly presented.