
198 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Not half bad

This is just one of those songs that I honestly just don't have much criticism for. It doesn't sound bad, but it really doesn't sound overly great to me either. By that I mean I can't find any major flaws, but then again it doesn't come off as very moving to me.

It sounds a bit like trendy trance but with a strange electronic intro...which wasn't bad. I did like the sound of the intro, but the main synth just sounded kinda happy hardcore-ish but in a really trendy way.

The drums come off as a little generic to me and nothing really special. It all seems to blend together really well though, just doesn't sound overly interesting to me. As Rory would say, "Not my proverbial cup of tea."

Keep up the good work regardless.


Numi responds:

Mm. I know the feeling of not really having a review for someone. I judge in the RUNGADM. Each round, one track was submitted that I just couldn't say ANYthing about. Nothing great, nothing bad. Nothing outstanding as positive or negative.
And yes, what you mentioned as flaws became oh so apparent to me not long after uploading >.<

I'm glad you didn't totally hate it though =D

Not bad

While this isn't bad, it seems to get stale quite fast.

The beginning is fantastic, especially up to :45 I think you nailed it. After that the strange electronic sounding sounds in the background I wasn't really digging that much, or the synth lines after that. They just didn't come off as very catchy to me personally.

The drums aren't bad at all. The snare around 1:55 seemed a bit overkill, but I did like the IDM elements you mixed in after that a lot - but I suppose that's just a personal taste.

Overall, I'd say you absolutely nailed the intro, and the outro, but the whole middle of the song just feels stale to me and not all that moving. Regardless, keep up the good work.


Decibel responds:

Thanks SeeD! I appreciate your review :)



Hey it actually loops pretty well too, surprise. Daunting is a fabulous word for what the piano at the beginning sounds like. The synth notes are very good as well. The dark sound to the bass line is just about perfect as well.

The whole song really has a boss battle feel to it - I think you captured the mood perfectly. Either that or the castle/lair of the boss. It doesn't quite have the intensity or energy that an actual battle would have, as it seems a bit more laid back and creepy feeling...so maybe it would work better for the road to the boss. Maybe call it 'boss level' lol.

I like the 8-bit sound this has to it as well, feels almost nostalgic like I can imagine seeing an 8-bit ghost floating around with cheesy effects, lol, which I enjoy. Although, I could see this in a final fantasy game, maybe 8 or below.

I think you did an excellent job with this track, and I'm rating accordingly. Keep up the great work.

camoshark responds:

Great to see you enjoyed, thanks for the great review!

You're seeing it the same way the people below your comment see it, so you're probably right, this is more of a boss level, rather than a boss battle.

I didn't really think of it as 8-bit music, but so many people say it nowadays, so I'll have to conceed to that point.

Samuel Hébert

Not bad

The tune here is quite relaxing sounding, and immediately I feel as if I'm in a shop in a PG rated RPG game purchasing some ammo for my slingshot or something ;) Either that or buying some potions to revive my health from battle....but I suppose that's neither here nor there.

The song is rather repetitive, although it sounds pleasant, there doesn't seem to be much audible changes going on and I can't honestly even tell if it's just a loop or if things are changing during the whole song.

It's a great base for a song though, or maybe just an ambient tune the way it is for a game like I said earlier. I guess it really depends on what direction you want to go with this really...


WizMystery responds:

Thanks for the review!

Things are changing, it goes into several keys. It's mostly a melodic change and not a texture change.

Sounds good

Sounds pretty good to me, I can't really find any flaws in this one. You should really make a career in audiobooks though, lol. Your voice would be great for storytelling. This one didn't have any strange pauses or gaps that I noticed at all. It did seem that you spoke much faster in this one, but it didn't sound necessarily worse or better, it was just faster.

The whole concept behind this is just awesome. Very respectful to those who lost their lives, and the story that it's a completely unknown soldier is interesting. I'm sure the memorial is a sight to see.

The only thing I think you could have done if you really wanted to go the extra mile with these, is to play an ambient track softly in the background, while you read. I think that would make it sound a lot more full and pleasant, but of course you'd have to find the right track for it and mix the two correctly. Just a thought for future works I suppose.

Keep up the good work, coop.

Coop responds:

Thanks - playing some sort of ambient track in the background would really be something that I'm not capable of at the moment - I barely know how to use audacity, let alone how to do any advanced things like that :P

Great sound

This has a really great happy go lucky sound to it. The synth is nice and trippy and not trendy or cliche at all. The bass line is a tad glitchy sounding and sounds great. The bass kick is a tad repetitive and unoriginal, but it seems to blend in okay without being to pronounced. I'm a sucker for a piano as well, and the piano work you did was quite good, although I think the volume could be turned down a tad on it to blend it in better.

The song really does seem to be missing some percussion. I mean, it sounds good without a bunch of percussion but I can't help but wonder what it would sound like with some - and I don't mean a few claps I mean some serious hats to sound like I'm on a fucking jetpack flying through space.

I suppose if I had to give any criticism for improvement the only thing I could think of is that you need a climax where you add some percussion to really give it a full sound. Nonetheless, a good track though. Keep up the good work.


DavidRx responds:

hehe yea its a more happier song :P
yea i kinda focused on the bass glitchiness a bit i kinda like glitchy music :P
i rly love piano :P so in some of the tracks i do have piano in them indicating a calm part/magical :P

i did put some percussions but just a few :o
im not rly good with percussions rly XD so i ussualy dont put them but ill take that in mind :P

thx for the review mate :D



The intro to the song was rather appropriate, and set the tone for the song pretty well. Right when the guitar and brass come in it sounds pretty good. The mix is decent although the guitar sounds a bit suppressed.

The bridge worked extremely well and the production that introduced the main melodies again was fantastic. Once again though, I feel the guitar is a bit suppressed, or maybe needs a bit more distortion, or a different kind of distortion.

The ending wasn't quite to my liking and seemed rather abrupt and unplanned. I would have liked to hear a really long fade out for this piece, seeing as how you just brought back the main melodies anyway, you may as well have just repeated them for a while and made an epic fade as the ending. That's what I would have really liked to hear.

Other than that, a decent piece. I enjoyed listening to it. Keep up the good work.

EagleGuard responds:

Hey, thanks for the review.

I thought I had gotten de EQing of the guitar fair enough, but I'll see if I can add a little more "punch" to it in the future.

The ending is indeed a little bit cheap. I'll try to put more effort into it next time ;)

Glad you enjoyed it, will do my best to improve. =)


Well done coop, this sounds great. I'm jealous of your accent. The tone of your voice was pretty much right on in setting the mood for the poem. It was pretty obvious the couple times you stopped because of the pauses in sound, which interrupted the flow a tad, but it wasn't terrible. The way you read the poem, however, was pretty much perfect though, and you seem to have a good voice for it.

At first I thought this was your own poem and I was about to be shocked. It is a really good poem actually, but it would be better if you had written your own just for the sake of it being your own work.

Constructive criticism aside, I enjoyed listening to this. It's a fantastic poem and you did an excellent job reading it. Keep up the good work.

Coop responds:

I was eager to submit, what can I say?

I wish that I could write poetry so well, but alas - I will be submitting a few more pieces of my own audio over the next few weeks. I'm aiming to have 6 pieces submitted to the AP by the end of 2010, so that's another 3 at minimum.

Not bad

I think the highlight of the song was totally the crazy fast guitar part. That was really cool. Most of the guitar riffs in this tune blended well together and sounded pretty catchy. The drums weren't near as repetitive and lifeless as another song I remember reviewing of yours, but I still think they could use a bit of work, I'm just not sure what really. Maybe cut down on the crashes.

The intro to the song was really creative and sounded great. I think you did a fantastic job of slowly easing it in before totally exploding into that ridiculously awesome guitar part.

I enjoyed this, keep it up.


joethesouleater responds:

thanks, i think i worked harder on this one than i did with my other ones, and i was more concerned with melody in this one, thanks for the review

Not bad

I hate to be a wet blanket, but I didn't really like the original tune. The melody just isn't really something I ever got into, but honestly I like this one better. Pure-Metal is a good guy and he did a great job with the guitar work, as I would have expected. The cover parts you did sound great, and a lot like the melody, just in your own style. I've tried to do cover songs in the past and I know it's not easy, so props on that.

Not much else to say really, like I said this tune was never really my cup of tea, but you did a fantastic job recreating it and putting your own spin on it. It looks like your effort really paid off. The mixing seems right on, and the guitar doesn't overpower the main melody. Good work with this, keep it up.

Step responds:

Thanks for the review, gotta love RRC reviews :3.

"I hate to be a wet blanket, but I didn't really like the original tune."

Haha, never knew people who didn't like the Chaoz Fantasy tune even exist, TBH lol. Well, it's good to be different I guess :P.

"The melody just isn't really something I ever got into, but honestly I like this one better."

I'm really glad you like it. I don't think it's as good as the original (or at least mixing-wise and percussion-wise it sure isn't) but I'll take it as a compliment.

"Pure-Metal is a good guy and he did a great job with the guitar work, as I would have expected."


"The cover parts you did sound great, and a lot like the melody, just in your own style. I've tried to do cover songs in the past and I know it's not easy, so props on that."

Thanks. I enjoy doing remixes and covers now and again. They help me when I'm in the dreaded writer's block.

"Not much else to say really, like I said this tune was never really my cup of tea, but you did a fantastic job recreating it and putting your own spin on it. It looks like your effort really paid off."

Thank you, I'm glad it did!

"The mixing seems right on, and the guitar doesn't overpower the main melody. Good work with this, keep it up"

With pleasure :3.

Thanks for the great review, I owe you one!

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