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Really nice style, I've never seen anything done like this before. That entitles you to 10 original points :P The sound pissed me off though...why did you reverse it? It would have been way better if we were able to hear what they were saying. I also have no idea why the monster got a boner at the end, lol, but I'm not about to ask. Nice job overall. The best part is when the chick freaks out and just shoots randomly and misses, lol.

SergeantLedge responds:

Thanks alot man ;) Assuming you're male of course >_>

I just realised I fucked up the loader. :(


That was awful. I was all for abortion until I saw this...then I went to that website and watched the video. My god. The truth is a LOT harder to accept when you actually see what's really going on. I've always just been for the rights of the people, they can say then don't want the kid, but until you see it...you really have no say. Man...that was bad...I mean BAD. The video at that website? Christ...

Yesterday me and my girlfriend had to go to the abortion clinic to get the 'morning after' pill. It was only 24 hours after the fact, so it was nothing like this. I don't think anybody out there has a problem with only 24 hours after the fact. Who knows, the test could have been negative anyway. At least we caught it right away though, instead of waiting for the child to grow, and THEN aborting it. I think that's the error. People should catch it BEFORE it starts growing. Now I have to pay $50 for that damn pill, but at least we didn't wait...god no. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I had done something like that.

Good flash man, you have a lot of balls putting something up here like this. You've taught me a lesson and hopefully many others. Also, lol, good job on the dramatic music. The only thing that sucked about this flash is now I'm completely undecided about the controbersy, lol. Thanks a lot. I'm going to be thinking about this for a while. I think I'm staying with my opinion up there...It's okay if it's around 24 hours after, maybe even a week, but when it starts growing larger, enough to be recognized, then it's a problem. That's just bad man. I think when you can actually tell that it's human, then it becomes murder. Anyway thanks for reading my ridiculously long review, lol. Keep up the good work man.

Anenome responds:

Actually I enjoyed your review very much, thank you, nice car btw ;) I'm glad my vid had an impact on you. You've seen the amazing level of violence being levelled against the only truly innocent people on this planet: children, the unborn even. Now you know why the media refuses to show these images at all. The unborn is not merely a mass of formless tissue, it has structure virtually from the beginning.

The video he speaks of is at Abortionno.org, this flash contains a very short segment from the ten minute video at that site. I reccomend the full uncensored version. It is gory, but it is the bare truth.

I'm dissapointed that you're only undecided about the issue of abortion now. I think many people are for abortion because it's a 'get out of jail free card' in many ways, and it allows us to dodge responsibility. So it's a conflict between knowing what is right and a choice that is self-serving.

When it comes to the pill, I would reccomend a pill that prevents the female egg from even being released at all, is the kind that suppresses periods. This will be effective birth control and will ensure that no fetus is destroyed in any way. The morning after pill can still be considered an abortion however, because it causes the death of a growing fetus that has been fertilized. All it does is prevent the fetus from grabbing the uteran wall to receive sustenance and begin growing. The result is that it is flushed from the uterus and dies. But at that point it already consisted of hundreds or even thousands of unique human cells. You may have a son or daughter waiting for you in the next life already. I hope that doesn't sound harsh.

Now to the rest of you: Choice is what happens when you decide to have sex. That is where our individual rights come in. The second you throw a child into the mix, you then have two human beings with equal rights. The big does not have more rights than the small, nor the strong over the weak, neither the old over the young. Once you're pregnant you can't say "It's my body", because the fetus is not, it's in your body but not a part of it. This fact is obvious since the fetus and mother do not share blood, and often have different blood types. Their DNA is also different, if related. The only difference between a fetus and an adult is time to grow. There should be no difference in rights. Or else we may become like the Dutch who recently have begun euthanizing small children who are merely born with deformities, without their consent even.

Yes it will mean changes, yes it is hard, but respecting human life is worth it. If we train our government not to respect our children through abortion, then not to respect our elderly through euthanasia, who's next? Probably our own selves.

Bottom line: if you have sex knowing you can get pregnant, then you have accepted the chance, however small, that you might get pregnant. And thus it is not unreasonable for society to ask you to live up to your responsibility.


What can I say? It was phenomenal. Did anybody get my submission I e-mailed in a couple days ago? It's of the highest quality I can assure you.

TheStarSyndicate responds:

yes, I got it. But you sent it to the wrong e-mail address. E-mail it to Starsyndicate@gmail.com


What a masterpiece. The quality here is astonishing. The Swift 3D elements you used were absolutely breathtaking, along with the stunning vector graphics. Indeed a work of art.

TheStarSyndicate responds:

I love you


Mr. I'm so cool because I'm level 20? I think you're the one who requested the Bahhhhhhhble Part. 2 or whatever. Thank god you did, thats the coolest god damn flash...EVER! Anyway, that's pretty good! I wish I was as talented...nice drawings and everything. I'm voting 5.

alexsmolik responds:

Himself !
Hehe, I never said I was cool because I was level 20 haha. But I did request the Bahhhble link though, and I'm glad you gave it to me, it is now well kept in my "favorites" list thanks to you! ;-)
I'm glad you rather liked the movie, it's really pleasing to hear that. My work has been apreciated... That makes me feel all tingly on the inside! Thanks for all the compliments and kind words and everything.
And I'm not talented man, you should've seen my first flashes! Just practice and do a lot of tests and stuff, you'll get the hang of it.

Thanks for the cool review! =]

Figured this would fall back down

You know, if you drew everything with a smaller sized brush, it'd look a lot better, in my opinion. It's funny, if god tries to do something good for the people, then they just turn against eachother and fight, but everytime he tries to kill them, it just brings them closer together. The note was the best part, lol. Sorry I was such a wanker, hahahha. Once again, all he does is apologize and the world ends. I guess you just have to be a dick to humans to get anything to work out. Nice movie anyway man, I don't see what the whole 'prowlies' thing is about anyway. I hate that god damn movie. The thing you should realize is that it's in the top 50 at all, not that it isn't number 1 anymore. The top 50 is hard as shit to get into, and you've done it my friend. Keep up the good work.

TmsT responds:

No, drawing with a smaller size brush actually makes the lines less curved. Give it a try. Yeah I know it's a bit of a bitch, but that's as good as it gets in Flash MX I'm afraid.

Thanks for your comments, but give Prowlies a chance, I mean sure it has no storyline except animals pissing and crapping in water, but the awesome animation quality is hypnotic to creatures of very little brain.

I develop stuff.

Age 37, Male


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