The beginning sounded absolutely amazing. Even after introducing the first synth melody I was like, okay, this sounds good. I'm just waiting for something to happen and around :45 the main melody comes in. The drums that introduced it sounded a bit off for some reason and weren't really to my liking, but the melody itself was alright. The drums for this part seem to match the synth well and I have no complaints really for this part.
At 1:08 you introduce this really weird synth noise and to me it just doesn't sound musical at all. It just sounds strange and messed up. At this point I'm just kinda waiting for it to end because there's just nothing musical about it.
After that, we go back to the main melody and it seems like you panned the drums from the left to the right channel back and forth. I suppose that might seem like a good idea in theory but it really doesn't sound good in headphones at all. Panning synths is one thing, but the main drum loop? Nah, it didn't really add any musical effect at all and just sounded kinda strange really.
The song has some potential...there's parts of this I don't mind and parts that I really thing should be changed. Overall it's an okay tune, but nothing I'd ever consider adding to my music library the way it sits. Keep up the good work though.