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Although the concept is silly, Korrode kept me hooked. I actually ended up beating the entire game. The controls are easy, and the premise of the game makes sense. There wasn't any complicated instructions or heavy reading, just a basic intro that told you what to do - and that concept stayed consistent throughout the entire game.

Great stuff. The only thing I'd like to see more of is levels. Maybe a variation of scenery too. Overall though, the levels had interesting spins and seeing the progression of difficulty was interesting.

HybridMind responds:

Hey, thanks a lot. Cool that you finished. I originally did have 40 levels (instead of the 32 here) but after a few rounds of beta-testing I found players seemed to like playing a few less levels, so I cut out what I felt were the "weakest" ones. Great to hear your thoughts.


Where to begin...Well the programming is solid, and I didn't find any bugs, but the game is rather bland and devoid of anything fun in my opinion.

The different endings usually give a game great replay value, but in this one it just felt like I was going through the motions. Just from reading the name you pretty much know what's required, it's just walking down to get the axe again...walking all the way to the forest, then walking back.

I think if each ending required something totally different, that would have made it a lot more interesting.

I didn't care for the music at all to be honest. The track sounds good, but it just didn't seem to fit the game at all....or maybe it fit it too well. The track seemed to have a boring and laid back sound, much like unlocking each ending in the game. It would have been nice to hear something more cheery and upbeat.

The graphics are okay, it looks like it was ripped directly from a pokemon game, which is fine, but it seemed to lack some of the mechanics that I remember from the pokemon games. When you jumped a fence, you actually jumped - it didn't just make the noise. It was good to hear the sound effect, don't get me wrong, but I'd like to see the character actually jump as well so it has that familiar pokemon gave feel that I'm assuming you were going for.

Throughout most of the game I just kept remembering the bicycle from the pokemon game, and wishing so badly that I could have it to go faster. After failing at the Old Man medal, I stopped playing because going through the motions was entirely too boring to do again.

Overall it's a great start on what could be an epic game. I'd say there's a few main kinks you should iron out, and that the final product should be a lot longer obviously, but it's a decent game. The mechanics are there without being buggy or glitchy, and the gameplay seemed solid. Now just add some spice.

Hope this helps. Keep up the good work.


P.S. I'm having a lot of trouble deciding whether this is a 6 or a 7 in my mind. I want to say 6.5, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

kcnh responds:

Thank your review and giving me the benefit of the doubt!

I win =)

Not a bad tower defense game, especially not bad for your first game. I think the music track is good, but not really very game oriented. Maybe an ambient electronic track would be more appropriate.

The drawings are mediocre, and could use some improvement. Maybe some cool transparent roads like the game 'Ghost Hacker'. Check that out if you don't know what I'm talking about, it's a beautiful looking tower defense game.

The game mechanics seemed okay, although I pretty much had to plaster the entire road with freezers, but by the end of the game it was pretty much plastered with everything. I like the little torch too, lol. Small, but effective when the enemy is frozed.

Not a bad first game at all, mate. Keep up the great work.

xshades responds:

I'll check out that Ghost Hacker game. Maybe use some of its features in the updated version of this game. Thanks for the helpful input.


It's always a tragedy to see games like this that are so close to being great but with a few major issues holding them back.

The game looks great, I have no issues with the design, menu setup looks good, and the gameplay concept is good - but for me the game's engine just doesn't really hold up to it. It feels too choppy and more of a task than fun to get anywhere. There's a balancing act with stuff like this you have to take into account. If the aiming is shit and you know it, then don't make the game hard. Give the enemies less health so it's easier to get somewhere.

I had the same issues as most others with the cursor going off screen repeatedly, which was mainly due to the fact that it seems the cursor is above the crosshairs. Why not make them the same?

The firing seemed a bit odd as well...there were like two crosshairs and it was difficult to see where I was shooting exactly, but for the most part it was manageable.

For the most part it just seemed unmanageable. The aiming was odd and the gun I was given felt underpowered against the army of asteroids and ships that were attacking. I see where you were going with the gun overheating, but like I said before it's a balancing act between the game mechanics and the difficulty. If there's any issue with aiming or shooting, take the difficulty down a notch at the very least so the game feels manageable. I think if the enemy ships didn't have such a ridiculous amount of health that this would have been far more enjoyable for me.

My totally honest advice would be to beef up the gun a bit or reduce enemy health, and maybe take a look at the crosshair/aiming issue. I think with those two things tweaked, this game would be a real winner. Overall I just had an 'uncontrolled' feeling of the ship and that's why I didn't enjoy it as much. Hope this helps.


SantoNinoDeCebu responds:

Flash can't control the position of the mouse so not much can be done about going off screen.
The cursor movement is relative to the change of mouse movement. Strapping the cursor to the mouse position very quickly highlights the reason I don't do that - you'd always have to drag the mouse around int he direction the ship is moving for it to stay still.

Never thought about the hp on enemeis actually. The insane hp on enemies feeling is probably a knockon effect from the bad aiming. You can actually hit them a lot earlier then you probably realise/are able to. I guess it's an alternate quickfix before completely fixing the aiming though!


Needs work

Well, what I'm seeing here needs a lot of work...

I'm assuming the spaceship graphic is a stock picture that comes with the games factory because I've seen it in other submissions. I'd first suggest getting a different ship - something more personalized.

The background is a brick wall, which is a bit strange. Not only that, but the meteorites look like almonds to me. I would recommend changing both of those - unless that's the look you were going for? It just feels like I'm shooting almonds with a spaceship in an alleyway at this point.

The sound effects aren't terrible, but the firing sound is a bit strange...any way to turn down the volume on it a bit? I, personally, wouldn't mind if you had far more asteroids/almonds spawning and an autofire option, personally, but I suppose it depends on what kind of a feel you're going for.

The score counter? at the bottom right doesn't work, it just spams random numbers which looks really strange and gives a broken feel to the game. I would recommend either fixing that or scrapping it altogether.

I think the biggest problem in this game is that is has no sense of purpose. We aren't competing for a high score because the high score doesn't work - and correct me if I'm wrong but this is only a single level. If you added more levels, some bosses or different ships to fight, gas canisters to collect, just about anything it would feel a lot more full and complete to me.

Keep at it, and don't get discouraged by low scoring reviews. Just take the criticism to heart, and learn something from it. Don't take it personally at all. Hope this helps.

CAN-OF-SPAM responds:

Thanks, for reviewing. in the time that this was made i made 2 more a few days later and there ALOT better.

Not bad

The game isn't bad overall, but it has some major issues...

The idea to have you 'hold' the arrow key as he gets older I think was horrible, especially when you're expected to make precise movements to certain locations to get items - it's not precision controls, so it's just awkward and feels broken. Even if you do use the controls correctly, you slide instead of click over which is the feel you want for a column based game, so that right there was just a bad decision.

The combo medal is totally possible, but in no way easy. I eventually hit 15 combos in a game, but it's based upon luck. Some games I got every single combo but there wasn't even 14 combos to be had...Not only that, but you have to be pretty accurate to actually pull off one of these combos, let alone 14 in a row. Your timing and method has to be pretty much perfect.

This is also much the same for the obsession medal. There were games I played where it just wasn't possible to get that kind of multiplier because the pieces you collect fall at random without structure. All the other game medals seemed appropriate and were clever. I just wish you had structured the way those items fall so that it's possible to achieve anything in any game.

The drawings are great, and the menus are full functional. The high score table doesn't seem to work on NG, but I wasn't too upset about that, personally.

The music was a tasteful IDM track and I enjoyed it. The animations of the character getting older, and having a story at the end based upon the items that you collected was a nice touch indeed - not to mention Facebook compatibility. It seems like you filled in all the gaps there, so I congratulate you on that.

Overall a decent little game to burn time with and get some medal points, but I think the games biggest drawback is the awkward controls. Nonetheless, keep up the good work.

HeRetiK responds:

thanks for a very constructive review.

about the luck factor - there are some luck-regulating mechanics in place, but I didn't wanted to regulate it too much. if you decide to go e.g. for success, but the opportunities aren't there, well, tough luck. if no matter how hard you try, you can't get many combos, or an x multiplier, just because you don't get the opportunities, there's nothing you can do about it. life isn't fair either. some people are more lucky than others. difference being you don't get to reflect on your life or redo afterwards (unless of course there is such a thing as an afterlife or rebirth)


Not a bad game, but not necessarily great either. The work you put into this really shows, but it totally comes off as some cheesy prude religious kids game because erm...well it is. Newgrounds back in the old days was a site for mindless violence, and everything offensive you can imagine, which is pretty much why I love it. This game seems more suited for small children or good religious kids who think that a hit of pot will make you hallucinate and jump out of a window.

I mean, the whole game I'm trying to click on things with a WOODEN knife and I get this cheesy voice, "violence is not the answer," but then he hears the voice of "god" and decides to murder someone in cold blood? What the fuck? Kinda twisted if you ask me...

As far as replay value, the game has none other than some medal points. The one scene with blood is going to show gumdrops I guess? Pretty pointless to replay the entire game for that...

The voice acting was actually quite good though. I can tell you took plenty of time to do it, as pretty much everything you'd want to click on, you can, and you'll get an explanation. Even mundane items like chairs and tables you can click on and get "it's a chair." I'm not sure I really enjoyed that though, it's just extra stuff to sift through pointlessly. Yes, I know it's a chair, I was looking for something useful to help me progress through the game. Some of them seemed a bit unneeded to me, as they never even ended up serving a purpose in the game.

Hearing the poem twice was almost excruciating. Especially with that girls cheesy voice. There's no way I can listen to it two more times for a medal. I don't care if it's 50 points, it's not worth it. A skip voice button would have been great for that especially. There was so much seemingly unnecessary conversation in this game and that's the only real reason it took a while.

As far as the drawings, they were great, I'm not gonna lie. I enjoyed the art very much, and the animation was pretty much spot on. No complaints there.

The music seemed rather appropriate for the scenes, and the sound effects you used were pretty much spot on. Like I said before, the voice acting was pretty much spot on except for the girl. That was honestly so cheesy it was hard to listen to. Especially the fact that she dragged it on for so long.

Overall the game was rather rewarding. It had a proper ending and some medals to make you feel like you accomplished something. Finally putting together the pieces of the puzzle was nice. Although I am an atheist, personally, I would play another episode of this. Although I had qualms with certain aspects of the game, it was fun to play at the very least, and the effort you put into this really paid off. Keep up the good work.

BoMToons responds:

Thanks for the thorough review, I respect that you can appreciate some of the good points even though some other parts were bothersome :)

wow lol

Really, that's how you unlock wade mode? I honestly can't even believe I tried that and it worked...

The game isn't bad, there really isn't much to it, but I suppose it's a little entertaining. I swear the fact that I don't have an optical mouse is why I can't get a higher score. I think the ball just can't go as fast, but perhaps that's just a shitty excuse for terrible skills, lol.

Wow, that Wade remix is obnoxious, lol. I'm having trouble typing a review because of it. The song remixes are pretty awesome actually, never heard them before.

Like I said though, the game is really simple, and doesn't have much to it. It's entertaining for about 10 minutes tops, but decent. Keep up the good work.

thinking-man responds:

Thanks! Wade mode is what happens when you combine Wade, My name is Tom, Speakonia, Audacity, and Grenades.


Not a bad game at all really, just a tad bit repetitive. I ended up getting every single one of those wonderful medals you added ;) The music is a bit strange, but I got used to it after a while. I guess the whole game is kinda strange though really...Pretty original design. The art isn't totally amazing but it's definitely pretty good. The animation is all really smooth, and I didn't find a single bug or glitch. Everything works just perfect.

Overall an enjoyable experience. Keep up the good work - I look forward to seeing another installment.

OzMafioso responds:

Thank you for the kind review :)


Fro's review hit the nail on the head and it's going to be hard to review this without mentioning what he already said. I noticed the text was also a bit lame. I know you can download free fonts that would look much better on some buttons. Even bolding and capitalizing would make them look a lot better.

This is much the same as the last portal radio I reviewed and it is a useful tool, but like you said in the 'suggestions' area, most of the coolest stuff would have to be done in AS3. I think you should get around to doing that because you really can't make these much better without it.

A minigame would be really cool, even just a basic mini audiosurf or space shooter, just anything. If you had a high score table that would be even more crazy. Like seriously cool. Personally I'd be happy with just some spectrum visualizers, but a minigame would be totally sweet and over the top.

Narrowing down the searches is also a FANTASTIC idea, as I really would like to only hear a genre, or maybe couple of genres at a time. I'd certainly consider this if at all possible.

The cube was a nice addition, but it was really only fun to mess with for about 20 seconds and then when you figure out that it does nothing is pretty much pointless.

The main thing I would focus on for the next version if you REALLY want to make this amazing is to improve on those features with AS3. Narrowing down what's playing should be considered, and I also think you should take some time on the radio interface itself so that it's very graphically pleasing. I hope this review helps. Keep up the good work!

MCarsten responds:

"Fro's review hit the nail on the head and it's going to be hard to review this without mentioning what he already said. I noticed the text was also a bit lame. I know you can download free fonts that would look much better on some buttons. Even bolding and capitalizing would make them look a lot better."

Yes I know but I prefer to keep this text and also keep changing fonts is always a crap thing because if you fix some things here and send back to the author he need the font too, if he don't have will be changed (as happened to this one).

"This is much the same as the last portal radio I reviewed and it is a useful tool, but like you said in the 'suggestions' area, most of the coolest stuff would have to be done in AS3. I think you should get around to doing that because you really can't make these much better without it."

Don't you think that do a NG Radio is an amazing thing possible with AS2? Plus, I don't want to be a programmer, if I would like to be one I would upgrade to AS3 because he is more to the OOP side and is much more similar and natural to other programming languages.

"A minigame would be really cool, even just a basic mini audiosurf or space shooter, just anything. If you had a high score table that would be even more crazy. Like seriously cool. Personally I'd be happy with just some spectrum visualizers, but a minigame would be totally sweet and over the top."

Spectrum visualizers codes doesn't exist for AS1-AS2, because they added a new function which does it:
SoundMixer.ComputeSpectrum() / this doesn't have on the language I code on
Also where I would have space to the put the game?

"Narrowing down the searches is also a FANTASTIC idea, as I really would like to only hear a genre, or maybe couple of genres at a time. I'd certainly consider this if at all possible."


"The cube was a nice addition, but it was really only fun to mess with for about 20 seconds and then when you figure out that it does nothing is pretty much pointless."

Thanks for appreciate this for 20 seconds while I had to program this by weeks.

"The main thing I would focus on for the next version if you REALLY want to make this amazing is to improve on those features with AS3. Narrowing down what's playing should be considered, and I also think you should take some time on the radio interface itself so that it's very graphically pleasing. I hope this review helps. Keep up the good work!"

Ok. Thanks for like.

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