Figured this would fall back down
You know, if you drew everything with a smaller sized brush, it'd look a lot better, in my opinion. It's funny, if god tries to do something good for the people, then they just turn against eachother and fight, but everytime he tries to kill them, it just brings them closer together. The note was the best part, lol. Sorry I was such a wanker, hahahha. Once again, all he does is apologize and the world ends. I guess you just have to be a dick to humans to get anything to work out. Nice movie anyway man, I don't see what the whole 'prowlies' thing is about anyway. I hate that god damn movie. The thing you should realize is that it's in the top 50 at all, not that it isn't number 1 anymore. The top 50 is hard as shit to get into, and you've done it my friend. Keep up the good work.