I should probably not leave my main news post up bashing the redesign. I guess it's alright after using it for some time now.
I don't really fancy the new level icons much, and I still honestly do miss the old 07 design, but I've come to terms with it.
Other than that I really don't have any "news". I've been working on an NG Portal-monitoring client called PortalWatch lately, but it's still very alpha at the moment. Definitely a couple bugs that bother me that need to be worked out before the official release but I really think the community will like it and be able to utilize it as a useful tool for B/P. I'll be posting more information about this in the future after a couple kinks are worked out.
Don't know if you are aware of this, but Byteslinger NG user and keeper of NGLogs already has a program designed to monitor the portal, called Portal Guard. It can be found here. <a href="http://www.wkrconcepts.com/pg3/pg3faq.htm">http://www.wkrconcepts.com/pg3/pg3faq.htm</a> You can download the .zip file from that page. Regardless good luck with your Portal Watch program.
Well aware of it actually.
My issues with Portal Guard are as follows:
A) It doesn't run on Mac or Linux.
B) The installation method is horrendous.
C) It sucks and my program is better.
Note: Issue C might be slightly biased.